Winter Sports in Lake Tahoe-Donner

Skiing and snowboarding at resorts aren’t the only winter sport activities available to you when you visit or live here in Lake Tahoe!

Snowshoe - Our favorite thing about Snowshoeing is that you can make it as relaxing or challenging as you’d like! Cruise along maintained trails or get off the beaten path and forge your own! Snowshoeing is a low cost way to explore Lake Tahoe - Donner State Parks no matter the amount of snow on the ground. 

Unlike ocean beaches, the beaches on Lake Tahoe get plenty of snow during the winter! Head to the Lake with your snowshoes for a stroll on the snow covered sand and enjoy some of the best views in the country! 

Did you know? Snowshoeing dates back 6,000 years! The first snowshoes are believed to have been made by the people in current day central Asia. Believe it or not, it’s thought that snowshoes were the main mode of transportation for those who migrated from Asia to North America! These migrants were the ancestors of the Inuits and Native American tribes that we are familiar with today. Back in those times, the snowshoes were simply modified slabs of wood! However, the shoes soon “modernized” into white ash framed snowshoes with rawhide lacing. 

Cross Country Ski - Cross Country skiing might seem less glamorous than big mountain skiing, but we think that’s a big misconception! There is no better way to take in the Lake Tahoe forest scenery than on a pair of cross country skis. Travel at whatever pace you choose, and you’re sure to work some new muscles, see some forest critters, and enjoy winter like a true Tahoe local.

Sugar Pine Point State Park was actually the location of cross country skiing events during the 1960 Winter Olympics and there is no better place to channel your inner Olympian! 

Lake Surfing - Believe it or not, surfing is actually a popular winter activity on Lake Tahoe! The winter weather brings in rough waters perfect for the most adventurous spirits! Catch some waves right from Kings Beach Recreation Area but be sure bring your wetsuit!

NOTE: This is an incredibly dangerous sport and there are no lifeguards on duty! 

Sledding - Sure some may not see sledding as a sport...but we do! Sign us up for fast speeds through the snow! Lake Tahoe-Donner is full of sledding hills and some of our favorites are right at Donner Memorial State Park! Grab your sled and get out there! 


An Indigenous Thanksgiving


The Donner Party